We did pitch a tent.
Keaton was happy as could be.
The kids played in the tent.
No need for the spa, the girls gave themselves mud baths.
Here is the incriminating picture that proves we weren't really roughing it though! We were at Kevin's parent's new place and had real baths and showers, and a kitchen.
Still, we cooked over an open fire.
And we roasted marshmallows for S'mores.
And we ate all our meals outside. (There was no furniture in the house yet anyway!)
The very best part was the sunrise kayak rides in our pajamas! :)
We had promised the kids we would go camping over the summer, but we didn't get around to it. So this is how we fulfilled the promise. It was fun family time. :) Hopefully once it warms up again we will really rough it somewhere.
One of these days I may catch up on my blogging and you will actually know what we are up to these days. ;) I uploaded these pictures weeks ago. I need to get myself excited about blogging again.